Do you need time?
It is super difficult to define what time is. Philosophers and scientists have been discussing that since antiquity. In Physics its definition is “what a clock reads.” Without a clock, our brain struggles to keep track of how much time has passed. Even if two persons have two clocks, according to the general theory of relativity, these clocks will keep counting differently. This occurs depending on where they are or where they are going. Meaning, the minutes are passing differently for these two persons. This was beautifully depicted in the movie Interstellar with Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. Spoiler alert! Be careful when passing around black holes or landing in massive planets. This is only to say that we need external help to keep track of time. We really are not capable of doing it ourselves.
We take time for granted. We live in an age where we have atomic clocks, with internet synchronization around the world. Anyone can know exactly what second is by simply looking at their cell phone. Humans have never experienced such precision in knowing the exact time as we do now. One single person has available several clocks. On their wrist, cell phone, computer, TV, microwave, car, or whatever electronic device that has been invented. That was not always the case. Until the Renaissance there was only one clock per town in the local church. And the hours were not precisely measured. If the bells struck noon, it was really an approximation. It could be 11:45 a.m., or 12:15 p.m. But that didn’t matter much then. Why does it matter so much now?
But the real question is, do we need time? Or putting it differently, do we need clocks? Or so many clocks? Let us put away our devices once in a while and follow our circadian rhythm. Separate some time to just live the moment without worrying too much about appointments. Enjoy life and just seize the day. We don’t need to keep track of time all the time.
2 Responses to “Taking some time off”
[…] reason is that I am trying to skip it, even if unconsciously. And the underlining reason for it is time. It seems I am always in a hurry. That is why I try to make it convenient by having the lotion […]
[…] a computer, and handling a blog afterwards, I love watching movies and TV shows. I considered in my other post why we need to stop being influenced by time too much. Equally important, limiting my screen time is […]