What makes a good leader?
It all starts with a vision. Leaders know exactly where they want to bring their people. They have specific goals, and they are laser-focused on them. That is, they don’t get easily distracted. These objectives are ambitious and not obvious. You don’t need a leader to convince people to do something they already believe in. On the contrary, leaders understand their convictions are important even if they are unpopular. They put in the effort to convince their people of them, even against all odds. After they have that clearly defined in their mind, they are capable of uniting their community around that common goal. For this, they show special characteristics. These involve inspiration, example and truth.
“I have a dream…”
Martin Luther King Jr., leader of the civil rights movement
Someone who inspires others
Leaders can inspire their followers through several means. That can be done through speeches, or through writing. Most leaders use the help of artists to help spread their vision too. But more important than the means, is the message itself that they convey. It must be something that their followers will take pride in doing. Something that will help them grow and develop as human beings. Something that will make them both individually and collectively better.
“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.”
Harvey S. Firestone, founder of Firestone Tire
Someone who leads by example
Leaders, besides showing great integrity, believe in what they ask of their followers. It doesn’t help if they are great public speakers, or inspired writers, but are caught doing things contrary to what they teach. Their credibility is tested all the time, actually more than the average people. Their message looses all force when they themselves are not invested in living them.
“Do what you say and say what you do”.
Someone who helps bring out the truth
Now, more important than anything, their vision and their message need to be based on and make the truth shine. Truth has a way of coming out. If the leaders’ goals are not based in the truth, their movement will inevitably loose force over time. I like this quote from a cherished United States president:
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States
So, this is what I think are some of the things that make a good leader: inspiration, example and truth. Is your leader inspiring you to be a better person? How is their personal life, do they show you by example they live their principles? Are they committed with spreading only the truth?
Do you have other things to add? What current world leaders do you think fit the bill?