Movies, sushi and brunch

Write about a few of your favorite family traditions.

For many years now, our family has unintentionally structured our week in a certain way. We do some fun activities or eat our favorite foods on specific days of the week. Particularly, these involve movies, sushi and brunch.

Movie Tuesdays

Movie tickets have discounted prices at our local cinema franchise on Tuesdays. Hence, it didn’t take long for us to adopt that day for our movie night. It is so fun going to the movies during the week.

By the way, since we are talking about movies, I’m looking forward to seeing I’m still here by Walter Salles. It features Fernanda Torres and Selton Mello, both respected and admired actors in Brazil. She has won already a best actress Golden Globe which made us very proud. Since she has been nominated to the Oscars, all Brazilians are rooting for her.

It is a touching story that happens during a dark period in Brazil’s history. The military dictatorship lasted from 1964 to 1985. I grew up during that sad and violent historical event, so, I feel personally and emotionally involved with it. I can’t wait to watch the movie.

Sushi Fridays

It has been more than a decade that we get Japanese take out food and bring home on Friday nights. It gives us the sense that the working week has finished and the weekend has started. Besides, we love Japanese food, we treat ourselves to it at least once a week.

Brunch Sundays (at home)

We love making our own Eggs Benedict on Sundays for our brunch. But we also make blueberry pancakes, French toast, waffles, etc. It’s a lazy day and we don’t mind eating a little more calories than the other days. It’s the closing (starting?) of the week and we deserve it!

Eggs Benedict with Hollandaise sauce

Having specific days for movies, sushi, and brunch is our thing. It helps us have a sense of structure and regularity in our family. What are the traditions that you have in your family? Leave those in the comments!





2 Responses to “Movies, sushi and brunch”

  1. […] a single day, we need to work and be productive. We should also escape reality a bit, watch some movie, read a book, and then rest. This helps us be ready for another day. We then project that to our […]

  2. […] I still didn’t read the book myself, or watched the movie for that matter, I can’t say much about it. I will borrow the dust jacket promotion of the […]