Time and attention

What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

We are used to giving and receiving material things from people we love. Christmas time is not officially finished yet, we are actually in the period where people are still exchanging gifts. The Twelve Days of Christmas ends on January 5th and in some places that is a day to give presents. This is an opportunity for us to give something to someone we love. Can we leave aside material things for a moment? Let’s think about what we can give each other this year that would still be valuable. What about time and attention?


In a busy society like ours, time is scarce. Sometimes we feel we don’t even have enough of it to spend with ourselves. When someone approaches us wanting to spend a little time with us, we feel a little flattered. We even feel surprised. When that happens to me, I really appreciate the gesture. So time, their time, is the greatest gift someone can give us. It doesn’t need to be a lot, nor to demand a huge effort. Just the three minutes that you would take interacting with someone online is already so meaningful. I can assure you that this doesn’t go unnoticed when people do this to me.

… and attention

And when we realize that we have that person undivided attention, their gift of time becomes even more special. Again, because we are so busy we do several things at the same time. We are talking with someone and trying to watch the TV and read our messages on the cell phone. Second screening is a common practice in our digital age. I am not saying we shouldn’t do it, I think it has become impossible not to at this point. But for that special someone, give them your attention as well. This gesture will make your gift of time stand out. I am sure it will be appreciated.

Have you given your loved ones time and attention recently? What other gift do you think would be appreciated? Leave that in the comments!





One response to “Time and attention”

  1. […] I have felt loved by so many people and during all periods of my life. Here goes a nod to all my friends and my family. But the truth is, love can be found in the most unexpected places. As a matter of […]