Thinking about the future

Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

I spend more time thinking about the future, I guess.


It is hard to quantify these things. But I believe we always have things to attend to that are in the future. How I am going to get to work tomorrow. What clothes I am going to be wearing. How the weather is going to be. What meetings I will have. What I am going to have for lunch. The chiropractor appointment that I have this week. This only to mention a few things on the short-term.


If I think about the medium-term, I need to make arrangements for the vacation that we are planning. There are several holidays and where we are going to spend them. Considerations if I should engage in a new course and learn a new skill. Will I be visiting my family or are they going to be visiting me later in the year.


And still thinking about the long-term, what I will be doing after I retire. Will I get a new hobby, or spend the time reading, travelling, playing, or listening to music. Shall I start exercising more now to have a better life quality when I get old.

There are so many questions and so many activities that I need to think of in preparation for the future. We know that the things we do now will have a bearing on it. Besides, the future is inevitable. It’s good to have the experience and input of the past. But that is just it. Living in the past will not help in my endeavours. So I take it in consideration, but spend a great deal of time thinking and planning for the future.

What about you? What are your reasons for thinking more about the past or the future? Leave that in the comments!


