If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be?
I believe pets understand us better than we understand them. I am not sure if that is because their lives depend entirely on us. So, they really pay attention to their humans. They seem to have a way of knowing what we are feeling, they are very conscious in that respect. At the same time, they have no clue about some basic social rules. For example, I’d like to make Thomas understand that not all things exist for him to sit on. But that’s simply how cats think: “if it fits, I sits!”
The other day I was making a cake, and looked at the recipe in my cooking book. I turned my back to get the ingredients. When I looked again, Thomas was sitting on top of the open book! Banana for scale on the picture below. I have really lost track of how often he comes and sits on the keyboard of my notebook. And this while I still have my hands on it, while I am working! There is also a little basket in our coffee table, that he loves to sit on.

Let’s admit, they are so adorable when they do it. We can’t help but have a good laugh about it!
Does your pet also think that “if it fits, I sits”? Please share what it does in the comments!