Ray of sunshine

Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end.

After a good night’s rest I feel ready for a new day. The ray of sunshine coming from the bedroom window after I am fully awake is welcome. Thomas, my cat, comes to say good morning and ask for my attention. He wants to play or just hang around a little.


While there is still a cool breeze outside I am ready for some light exercise. Riding my bike on the waterfront trail is both stimulating and rewarding. My partner and I talk over our shoulders while we soak in the sun, the scenery and wild life. A good shower afterwards refreshes me. Eggs Benedict and lemon blueberry buttermilk pancakes are my favorites for breakfast. Call me old fashioned, but I like to read the newspaper while having my tea.

After this prelude, I read a good book for one or two hours. I put some classical instrumental music because music with lyrics distracts me, but without helps me concentrate. Thomas keeps me company and watches me sitting in “his” chair. As best second choice he sits between my legs over the footstool. Reading allows me to live infinite lives. One day I am a world-renowned detective, the other I unravel the mysteries of life through Tarot esotericism.


I like to cook my own meals and for this I look for the recipe on the cookbook. The food pairs well with a fine oak-aged VQA red wine. Dessert, also homemade, ends a delicious lunch. My partner and I play an engaging board game. I really would like we could do this more often. The sun is still bright outside and the light inundates our family room bringing warmth and joy. Thomas observes the birds, squirrels, and chipmunks from the top of his cat tree making hunting noises.


After sunset the lights are low. A charcuterie board with warm focaccia fresh from the oven is our casual dinner. It’s movie night and we spend fifteen minutes discussing and choosing what to watch. We finally pick a mystery movie, and (why not?) a thriller or a comedy afterwards. Thomas again is with us on the sofa and sleeps like a log under the blanket.

I go to bed but I don’t sleep right away. I will read until I feel drowsy. Thomas snuggles between my legs. In fact, he’s our ray of sunshine. Tomorrow will be another day hopefully as good as this one.


