What advice would you give to your teenage self?
All in all, I think my teenage self was on the right track. I was a dedicated student in my early teenage years. When I was 16 years old I started working pretty hard for my age. And when I turned 18 I went to live by my own in another city and started college. I wouldn’t change the course of the things as they happened then. But if I could go back, I would convey one piece of advice to my teenage self. It would be to continue studying music in all aspects. I would pursue my musical dreams, even if this meant doing so at an amateur level.
Listening to the radio
You see, I love classical music. As a child, I would wake up at 6:00 am. I did this to listen to the opening program of Rádio Cultura. They always started with the Brazilian national anthem, then they often played baroque instrumental music. I got so excited when they played any concerts by Johann Sebastian Bach. He was, and still is, my favorite composer. I am sure that it was because of him that I love music so much.
Becoming a singer
At my church, I used to sing in the choir. My voice range was baritone, something between bass and tenor. I studied a little to become a lyrical singer and even got solo parts when there was a cantata. I wish I had put more effort in this, I might have become a professional singer then. At the very least, I could have continued singing to this day in an amateur capacity.
Or becoming a composer
At another point, I wanted to become a composer and was fully committed to it. I studied books on counterpoint, like the Gradus ad Parnassum by Johann Joseph Fux. Another book I read and studied closely was the Treatise on Harmony by Jean-Philippe Rameau. I got for myself the Treatise on Instrumentation by Hector Berlioz.
When my brother got married, I composed a madrigal in four parts, a capella. A group of eight people from the church’s choir performed it, I was so proud. I always remember my uncle, and other people, coming to compliment me after the performance. It was the high point of my musical career. To this day, I’m still not sure why I didn’t follow it through.
I don’t know if it’s too late to pick up where I stopped. But if I would get another chance, I would tell my teenage self to pursue my musical dreams.
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