Are you superstitious?
Unfortunately the word superstition has a negative connotation. If you ask it directly, almost everyone would hesitate to admit being superstitious. But I think that in their core everyone has some kind of unorthodox belief. Even if they don’t realize, some cultural habits and unconscious beliefs can sneak in, like a ladybug.
Common superstitions
For instance, some people wear the same t-shirt repeatedly during sport games. They believe it helps the team they are supporting to win. Other people avoid saying some words out loud in some contexts, or using some numbers. They will feel uneasy when something happens in threes. In other situations, they may have some reason for using, or not using, clothes of a given color. Some will stay away from a particular furniture disposition in their house.
My own superstitions
In some cases, yes, I am superstitious. I knock on wood when I say something ominous that I obviously don’t want to happen. When it’s my birthday and I’m blowing the candles, I make a wish with all my heart. I believe the new year will make my wish come true. Speaking of wishes, I throw a coin at fountains or make wishes to shooting stars. And I consider a ladybug landing on my clothes is a sign of good luck.
Cause and effect
There’s no obvious cause and effect relation for any of these behaviors, but people do that anyway, including me. There’s some magical, even supernatural, aspect to it. We believe there’s a transference between the objects of our superstitions and the actions we do. We also believe there’s a connection to the outcomes we want to happen. Another example, my grandma used to put a sugar cane under her bed. She believed it would help to straighten her spine. It would also take away any back pain. She believed the cane would be crooked and her back straight in its place.
Even with all our scientific knowledge, it’s comforting to have traditions to cherish. I know intellectually that maybe nothing of these will have any bearing in the other aspects of my life. But just in case, let’s not tempt fate.
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