What activities do you lose yourself in?
What’s the opposite of lack of concentration? Can we call it strong focus? Deep absorption? Great attention? So, that’s what I have. It’s very easy for me to lose myself in whatever activity I am involved in. I shut myself off from the exterior world. I direct my whole attention to the task I have in front of me. And I’m not saying that this is always a good thing.
It has been some time since I played video games regularly. This happened a lot during the pandemic. We are talking mainly about Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. I would start some quest, and wouldn’t finish until I cleared a whole area in the map. That was becoming a problem, because I wouldn’t stop for drinking water or going to the bathroom. I would become obsessed with all the inventory items to collect, enemies to eliminate, or obstacles to remove. Well, those were other times, right? We couldn’t go out of the house, couldn’t socialize, and had an enormous stress from everything that was happening. That was my escape then. I had to take my mind off of all the bad news that were flooding the world.
My imagination runs wild when I’m reading a book. Once I was in the bus, and the narrative was so captivating. There was a heavy rain outside. Someone was pursuing another person. It was a mixture of espionage, secret societies, works of art, ancient symbols. I was deeply engrossed. When I finally woke up from my trance, I realized it was warm outside. There was no sign of rain, not a single cloud in the sky. Also, I had missed four stops and had to trace my way back home.
Now, that I’m writing daily at this blog, this is my new source of absorption. Of course, there are pros and cons for being engrossed in whatever I am doing at the time. I have been told that I need to give more attention to people around me. As always, with anything in my life, I try to reach a balance. For example, I don’t write after my bed time, it doesn’t matter if the result is perfect or not. These posts are more of a process, an experiment if you will, than about perfection. And for this to work this way, there must be a limit.
I strive not to keep a strong focus in only one thing all of the time. I’m still learning.
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