Genie to me: “Are you ready now to make your wishes?!”

You have three magic genie wishes, what are you asking for?

Genie to me: “You know the drill, you have three magic wishes.”

Me yesterday, after reading the prompt, and before going to bed: “Well, let me sleep on it. I will get your answer in the morning.”

Me this morning: “I should really think this through, if I choose well, I could get whatever I want! Is it allowed to ask for unlimited wishes?”

Me this afternoon: “I still don’t know what to ask. Should I go with the traditional riches, long life, and love? Wait, I already got love, what can I put in its place?!”

Me this evening: “I’m running out of time. If I don’t make the wishes today, I will lose my chance forever!”

Genie to me: “Are you ready now to make your wishes?!”. I felt they were getting a little impatient…

So, I will just put my wishes out there, not sure that they are the wisest, but whatever!

“First, I wish I didn’t need to work another day in my life…”

“Second, I wish I could become a successful and famous writer…”

“Third, I wish I will always be young in my heart…”

It was so much fun thinking about this prompt… but you know, many kids face the risk of never seeing their wishes come true. If you can get involved, I heartily recommend you help someone Make-a-Wish. I have participated in several of their projects (back in Brazil) and can assure you it’s a transforming experience!





2 Responses to “Genie to me: “Are you ready now to make your wishes?!””

  1. […] were participating in a project from Make-a-Wish Brazil. Our task was to bring a lovely girl, Nicole, to meet her life […]

  2. […] is so cool that yesterday I asked this as part of my magic genie wishes. “I wish I will always be young at heart.” I better work out what it […]