Letter from my future self

What will your life be like in three years?

Dear Old Me,

I hope this letter finds you well. Actually, I know it will. It is intended for you to find it exactly on November 4th, 2024. How do I know it? Well, I found it myself on that day. After reading and re-reading it several times, I realized that it was sent back to you from me. Yes, it’s a letter from your future self, from exactly three years in the future, i.e., November 4th, 2027. I know it is easy to send a letter to ourselves into the future. Sending a letter back into the past was another thing. Until now.

How did I manage to do that? That, unfortunately, I can’t reveal now. But it is enough proof that you yourself will be capable of doing it when the time comes. It is as easy as handling objects from the past when you know how to do it. It is like reaching to a shelf and opening a book that you bought yesterday. The object is simply there, it was there all the time. You just need to send it in the other direction.

And why did I send a letter instead of coming myself? Handling people and handling objects is different when it involves time and space continuity. That is why I sent a letter instead of coming myself. As I well know, sending things generated trouble enough already. You can imagine what it will do when we are capable of sending people. For some reason that I don’t quite understand yet, you decided to make this letter public. You did this by posting its contents in a blog that you recently created. Don’t change anything. If you decided to do it then, do it now. I don’t want to meddle it further with time and suffer the consequences.

How will the future be

But that is not the purpose of this letter from your future self. Its purpose is to answer what your life will be like in three years. Do you remember how much time you spent that day? You were thinking about how to answer that question accurately. And in the end you gave up. You thought it then: “It is an unanswerable question. You can’t be so sure of what will happen tomorrow. Let alone in three years time.” It was impossible. Until today. And you spent three years working and studying until you were capable of answering that. So, here is the answer.

Writing a book

You will achieve some of the things that you wanted, and some you will not. But don’t be despondent, it will all contribute to the point where you became me. That book that you are planning to write, don’t give up on it, it will eventually be a success. Not for the reasons that you think. The research that you are doing to write it is more important than the book itself. You are learning so much about Alchemy, Astrology, and Tarot. You are also learning about Kabbalah, Ritual Magic, Occultism, Hermeticism, and Esotericism. All of this knowledge will be put to good use. Secrets have been kept secret for a reason, and you are about to know why. There will be some people trying to stop you from discovering or divulging them, of course they will try. But the reason that you are reading this letter is evidence that you were capable of eluding them. Good job!

Climate change

Things don’t look good on the climate change front. I wish I had better news to give you, but honestly I don’t. Collectively and individually humanity is not doing enough. I am afraid that it is already too late and the changes are irreversible now. So, do what you can to create awareness. You know that we humans tap on myths to collaborate as a group. Now, climate change is a problem of worldly proportions, we need stories that unite us on that scale. In everything that you do, try to raise awareness about this issue. Keep trying, there is too much at stake for us to do nothing about it.

Family and friends

And about family, friends, your community, they are your support. Continue helping them and allowing them to help you in return. Open channels of communication, let them come to you without reservations. Aim to become a better person. Help the other side become a better person too in each interaction. People that are close to you will always play a big part in your future.

So, this is it. I can’t say that I will see you, but I will definitely be you in three years. I hope this letter from your future self will keep you company till then. Never give up, keep up the good work.

Your loving Future You.





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  1. […] take time for granted. We live in an age where we have atomic clocks, with internet synchronization around the world. […]