Category: Books
How Jesus Became God, a fascinating look at the divinity of Jesus from the point of view of his contemporaries
This book from professor Bart D. Ehrman was one of the most eye-opening studies I have read regarding Jesus and primitive Christianity. From the very beginning it embarks on a journey analyzing the texts of the New Testament proposing to answer the question of how (and when) Jesus became God, or in other words, how…
Book 04: The Long Hitch Home, “a book with a map”
This is a book with a map, and what a map! Jamie Maslin recounts in it his adventures hitchhiking from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, where he lives now, to London, England, his hometown. You could slightly change the expression “go big or go home” to “go big and go home” to give it an entirely different…
Book 03: Tarot. The Library of Esoterica, “a book you meant to read in 2022”
So, I got this book for my birthday last year, and although I skimmed through it then, I really wanted to pause and take my time to read it without rush. Tarot has such a rich and extensive tradition that one will take years to grasp all the symbology embedded in it. I believe the…
Book 02: Pax, “a book about a pet character”
When you start reading Pax, you have the feeling that everything in this story is unusual, out of place–as often are the events in our lives. Peter is a twelve-year-old boy, and when he was about seven he saved Pax, a fox, from certain death. But now there is a war coming, and Peter’s dad…
Book 01: Pachinko, “a book about a family”
Wow! What a great start for the 2023 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge! I was waiting for some books at the library to become available either physically, electronically, or in audio, when Pachinko by Min Jin Lee appeared as a lucky loan. I loved, and highly recommend it. This is a family saga telling the hardships they…
Are we in the middle of an Edgar Allan Poe revival?
Edgar Allan Poe (E. A. P.) hardly needs any introduction. He was an extraordinary writer with a great analytical mind, what was reflected both in his prose and poetry. He was the pioneer in several genres, like the Detective Fiction story, and the emerging Science Fiction. He was interested in Cryptography, Philosophy, Mathematics, Psychology, Cosmology,…
2022 books in review
These are the books that I have read in 2022. I didn’t have a blog back then, meaning I couldn’t have written a separate review for each one. But I am trying to rectify it now, writing a few words about them before the year end. Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric…
Glass Onion, the perfect Christmas mystery movie!
Spoiler alert: I am trying very hard not to give any major spoilers, but since I am commenting on the movie and the plot, you may learn things that you wouldn’t like to know if you haven’t watched it yet… if so, please pause here and come back after you have watched it, the movie…
Like Jacques Pépin says: “Happy Cooking!”
Have you ever watched any of the videos of Jacques Pépin teaching how to cook a frugal meal or an elaborate dish? You can check those in a couple of his facebook channels here and here. He also recently appeared in The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon in a hilarious competition to discover who made…