To be happy!

What is your mission?

Many years ago I participated in a training that took place over a whole weekend. One of the main activities was to find and write down what my mission was. It is a shame that I don’t have what I wrote back then. However, I remember very vividly that my mission on earth was to be happy. I took that home with me that day. That is still valid. Today I want to expand on what that means.

Personal fulfillment

The main goal of writing a mission statement is to help you on your personal journey. It needs to include the things that you want to achieve in your life. It serves to give clarity about your objectives. For example, among the things that are important to me are to learn new things and to invest in knowledge.


As the saying goes, nobody is an island. Indeed, we have relationships that comes from our family, from our job, from interests that we have in life. Many of those we don’t choose, life itself bring them to our doorstep. It is important to include something to cover this important area of our life.


And not only relationships, we are also part of a larger community, our neighborhood, our city, our country. More and more we are becoming part of a global community. The world is a village.

Mission statement

So, this is the extended version of my mission statement:

My mission is to always be curious, to seek knowledge and to embrace personal growth as a continuous journey. To cultivate relationships based on trust and respect, helping the other party to leave in a better way than they came, in each interaction. To help my community to thrive promoting diversity and acceptance. In summary, to be happy.

If you have one, please share what is your mission in the comments!


