Work hard, play hard

List five things you do for fun.

There are so many things… most of which I have already mentioned in other posts. In each of my takes below, I have linked to the original posts. As the saying goes, “work hard, play hard”. You need to have some fun in life, otherwise reality becomes unbearable. I think there’s nothing wrong with having a few laughs here and there. Just don’t let the monks from the book The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco know.

Playing games

From board games to video games, everything counts when you want to escape reality. It doesn’t matter whether you are into mystery, fantasy, action, sports, just wear your avatar and embark in your adventure! Role-playing games are a great way to amp up your possibility to live any life you would like to. I love to explore all the worlds that game makers have created. I put my own imagination to work when playing in them.

Watching movies and TV shows

I am an avid movie buff and TV shows marathon watcher. Most of the time I watch them exercising my suspension of disbelief, just playing along with what is being presented. When it’s possible, I avoid even watching the trailers, since they basically give away all the spoilers. It’s nice to have a movie night and really get surprised with the story.

Reading books

Better still is when you have a movie playing in your head, just your imagination flowing. That happens to me when I read a good book. I am amazed at how this conversation works between author and reader. It’s truly magical when they can use words to put images, sounds, tastes, textures and smells in our mind. We are lucky to experience all the sensations that come from the words on a page. It is something that we humans should truly cherish.

Listening to podcasts

Next in the list are podcasts. I can quickly listen to them while I am driving, making the trip more fun and enjoyable.

Riding my bicycle

In the physical activity area, I like to ride my bicycle, either indoors or outdoors. It’s good for my health and it’s also fun to explore trails. When I take a quick stop to recover, I take some pictures of the scenery. Check out my Instagram post below:

Are you adept of “work hard, play hard”? What are the activities you do for fun? Leave those in the comments!





One response to “Work hard, play hard”

  1. […] Leisure time is precious and I cherish having it. I even dare to say, it’s sacred. It’s that slice of the day that you can spend exclusively with yourself. Nobody has the right to interfere with how you decide to employ it. So, use it wisely, to your advantage. I have just recently started to discover the power of meditation. I must say, the feeling of relaxation it has brought to my life is impressive. It has greatly enhanced my sensation of well-being. […]